A nature lover, Adrienne enjoys exploring parks and green spaces around Ontario and North America. She is aware how important conservation is as the world is becoming increasingly developed. Habitat loss is an issue for survival of plants and animals. Her goal is to capture the beauty of nature and help bring awareness to the need for conservation. Her images are not simply record shots, they capture the essence of her subjects.
Thinking of a framed piece for home decor, or a print enlargement? Find out here how to order a fine art print.
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Because she cares about supporting wildlife in the face of serious issues such as habitat loss and extinction of species, Adrienne donates 10% of nature sales proceeds to conservation charities such those below:
- Bird Studies Canada – Canada’s leading science-based bird conservation organization
- the Owl Foundation (charitable organization focused on owl rehabilitation
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- Sculpture of a Woman
- Black Bear
- Eye to eye (Black Bear)
- Young Black Bear
- Love you (White-tailed Deer)
Fawn and Mommy
(White-tailed Deer)
- Buck (White-tailed Deer)
- Red Deer Portrait
- Twosome (White-tailed Deer)
- Affectionate Fawns (White-tailed deer)
- Title Bambi (White-tailed Deer) Caption
Foxes and Cayote
- Those Eyes #2 (Red Fox)
- Those Eyes (Red Fox)
- Relaxing (Red Fox)
- Mama Fox (Red Fox)
- Mother’s Love (Red Fox)
- Family Time (Red Fox)
- Little Red Fox
- Kits (Red Fox)
- Watchful (Red Foxes)
- Playful (Red Fox)
- Proud Parent (Red Fox)
- Getting TLC (Red Fox)
- Playful Kits (Red Fox)
- Focussed (Red Fox)
- On the Prowl (Cayote)
- Raccoon
- Safe Home (Raccoon)
- Tree Dweller (Raccoon)
Seals and Sea Lions
- Seal Pup #1
- Flippers (Sea Lion)
- Sweet Dreams (Sea Lion)
- My Rock (Sea Lion)
- Can You Hear Me? (Sea Lion)
- Seal Pup and Mummy
- Yummy (Grey Squirrel)
- Winter Critter (Red Squirrel)
- Fall Harvest (Red Squirrel)
- Alert (Red Squirrel)
- Sonorian Desert ground squirrel
- Delicious Succulent (Ground Squirrel)
Miscellaneous Small Animals
- Weather Predicting Critter (Groundhog)
Crossing the Frozen Pond
- Meadow Vole
- Painted Turtle Profile
- April Flowers (Trout Lily)
- Icy Pond
- Wild Columbine
- Blue (Chicory)
- Yellow Trout Lily
- Hepatica
- On the Way Down
- Crystal Trees
- At the Pond
- Desert Lupines
- Salsify
Art in Bark #1
(Arbutus Tree)
- Yellow Trout Lily
- Blue Forget Me Not
- Threesome (Amanita Flavoconia)
- Fairy Lamp?
- Orange Glow (Chanterelle Mushroom)
- Hawk Weed
Butterfly and Daisy
(Atlantis Fritillary Butterfly)
- Ctenucha Moth on Viper’s Bugloss
- Heart Shape (Bluet Damselfly)
- Monarch On Verbena
Two Summer Beauties
(Monarch on Sunflower)
Summer Garden Beauty
(Monarch Butterfly)
In Field of Gold
(Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly)
- Cosmos Visitor
- Nature’s Pearls
- Frittilary Butterfly
- Orange-yellow Meadowhawk
- Viceroy Butterfly
- Dash of Red (Meadowhawk)
- Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly
- Monarch on Butterfly Bush
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly
- In the Wild (Frittilary Butterfly)
- Pink-edged Sulphur Butterfly
- Peekaboo (Ctenucha Moth)
- Halloween Pennant Dragonfly
- Ladybug (Seven-spotted)
Canada Thistle Visitor
(Eastern Tiger Swallowtail)
- Swallowtail on Canada Thistle
- Hummingbird Clearwing Moth
Orange and Violet
(Eastern Amberwing Dragonfly)
- Bee Approach (Honey Bee)
- Pollinator (Honey Bee)
- Title Lookn At You (Bumble Bee)
Summer Beauty
Eastern TIger Swallowtail Butterfly
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